Juneau é a capital do estado americano do Alaska. É uma cidade que somente é acessível pelo ar e pelo mar.

Erich e eu visitamos Juneau no mês de julho, verão, quando a cidade tem mais de 17 horas de luz solar. Mesmo no verão senti que faz frio pela manhã e esquenta um pouco durante o dia.

Juneau está localizada no sudeste do Alaska, a 1448 km de Seattle e 965,60 km a sudeste de Anchorage com uma população aproximada de 33 mil habitantes. A cidade originou-se de um acampamento em torno de uma mina de ouro em 1880. Juneau possui um centro histórico com casas originais daquela época. O que mais me impressionou na visita a Juneau foi a existência de uma natureza exuberante. A cidade é cercada por montanhas verdes e pelas águas do Golfo do Alaska, no Oceano Pacífico.

São muitos os atrativos em Juneau e nas suas proximidades.

Nós realizamos um passeio de barco onde vimos orcas e baleias do tipo Humpbacks (você pode observá-las entre abril e novembro),

além de visitar o Glaciar Mendenhall, o atrativo mais popular.

Centro de Visitantes/Visitor´s Center

É possível também realizar outros passeios como o trenó conduzido por cachorros,

Fonte/Quelle/Source: https://www.alaskatourjobs.com/blog/outdoor-activities/alaska-dog-sledding/

voos  sobre os campos de gelo da região, com cachoeiras espetaculares e formações rochosas deslumbrantes.

Fonte/Quelle/Source: Grizzly bear , Alaska. Fonte/Quelle/Source: http://www.alaska.org/detail/pack-creek-bear-tours

A pesca do salmão é outro atrativo que atrai muitos entusiastas da atividade.

A região do Alaska é famosa pela presença de ursos e em Juneau é possível vê-los na Ilha Admiralty, no Pack Creek Bear Sanctuary, lar de aproximadamente 1600 ursos marrons.

Grizzly bear , Alaska. Fonte/Quelle/Source: http://www.alaska.org/detail/pack-creek-bear-tours

É famoso o passeio que você pode observar os ursos se alimentando de salmão (nos meses de julho e agosto).

Fonte/Quelle/Source: http://www.alaska.org/detail/pack-creek-bear-tours
Grizzly bear , Alaska. Fonte/Quelle/Source: http://www.alaska.org/detail/pack-creek-bear-tours

Se o visitante quiser ter uma bela vista de Juneau e do Canal Gastineau, vale a pena usar o teleférico Goldbelt Mount Roberts, é o único do sudeste do Alaska e funciona no período de maio até setembro.

Juneau é definitivamente um portão de entrada para se visitar muitos atrativos durante o verão. É um paraíso para se observar animais, como baleias, orcas, leões do mar, águias, lontras, pássaros, dentre outros.

low angle view of an eagle in flight. Fonte/Quelle/Source: Grizzly bear , Alaska. Fonte/Quelle/Source: http://www.alaska.org/detail/pack-creek-bear-tours

O bar mais famoso de Juneau é o Red Dog Saloon. A visita a esse lugar nos transporta para os tempos das diligências, aquela época que vemos em filmes de faroeste americano.

Juneau é uma pequena cidade, que definitivamente, causa uma grande impressão para os que a visitam.

Curiosidade sobre a cidade:

21/12 – é o menor dia, com 6 horas e 21 minutos de luz solar.

21/06– é o dia com mais luz solar: 18 horas e 18 minutos.



Juneau ist die Hauptstadt des amerikanischen Bundesstaates Alaska. Es ist eine Stadt, die nur auf dem Luft- und Seeweg erreichbar ist.

Erich und ich besuchten Juneau im Juli, wenn die Stadt mehr als 17 Stunden über Sonnenlicht verfügt. Selbst im Sommer war es am Morgen kalt und tagsüber etwas angenehm wärmer.

Juneau liegt im Südosten von Alaska, 1448 km von Seattle entfernt und 965 km südöstlich von Anchorage mit einer Bevölkerung von 33.000 Einwohnern gelegen. Die Stadt entstand 1880 aus einem Lager an einer Goldmine. Juneau hat ein historisches Zentrum mit ursprünglichen Häusern aus dieser Zeit. Was mich an dem Besuch in Juneau am meisten beeindruckte war die Überschwänglichkeit der Natur. Die Stadt ist von grünen Bergen und den Gewässern des Golfs von Alaska im Pazifischen Ozean umgeben.

Es gibt viele Attraktionen in und um Juneau.

Wir unternahmen eine Bootsfahrt, auf welcher wir Buckelwale, Orcas und Wale sehen konnten (die zwischen April und November beobachtet werden können) und wir besuchten zudem den

Mendenhall Gletscher, beides sehr beliebte Attraktion der Regio.

Weitere Ausflüge sind: Fahrten mit Hundeschlitten,

Fonte/Quelle/Source: https://www.alaskatourjobs.com/blog/outdoor-activities/alaska-dog-sledding/

Hubschrauberflüge über die Eisfelder der Region, der Besuch spektakulärer Wasserfälle und atemberaubenden Felsformationen sind ebenfalls möglich.

Fonte/Quelle/Source: Grizzly bear , Alaska. Fonte/Quelle/Source: http://www.alaska.org/detail/pack-creek-bear-tours

Lachsangeln stellt eine weitere Attraktion dar für Aktivitätsbegeisterte.

Diese Region von Alaska ist berühmt für die Existenz von Bären und in Juneau können Sie sie auf der Insel Admiralty Island im Pack Creek Bear Sanctuary beobachten, wo etwa 1600 Braunbären leben.

Grizzly bear , Alaska. Fonte/Quelle/Source: http://www.alaska.org/detail/pack-creek-bear-tours

Berühmt ist auch die Tour, auf welcher Sie die Bären beobachten können wie sie Lachse fangen und verspeisen (in den Monaten Juli und August).

Fonte/Quelle/Source: http://www.alaska.org/detail/pack-creek-bear-tours
Grizzly bear , Alaska. Fonte/Quelle/Source: http://www.alaska.org/detail/pack-creek-bear-tours

Wenn Sie als Besucher einen schönen Blick auf Juneau und den Gastineau-Kanal genieβen wollen, dann lohnt es sich, mit der Goldbelt Mount Roberts-Seilbahn hochzuschweben, es ist die einzige im südöstlichen Alaska und nur von Mai bis September geöffnet.

Juneau ist definitiv im Sommer ein Eingangstor zu vielen Attraktionen. Es ist ein Paradies für Tiere wie Wale, Killerwale, Seelöwen, Adler, Otter, Vögel und andere.

low angle view of an eagle in flight. Fonte/Quelle/Source: Grizzly bear , Alaska. Fonte/Quelle/Source: http://www.alaska.org/detail/pack-creek-bear-tours

Die bekannteste Bar in Juneau ist der Red Dog Saloon. Der Besuch an diesem Ort versetzt uns in die Epoche des Fleiβes und Trägheit, jener Ära also, die wir aus amerikanischen Western-Filmen bestens kennen.

Juneau ist eine kleine Stadt, die jedoch definitiv beim Besucher große Eindrücke hinterlässt.

Neugierig auf die Stadt?

21/12 – ist der kürzeste Tag mit 6 Stunden und 21 Minuten Sonnenlicht.

21/06 – ist de längster Tag mit 18 Stunden und 18 Minuten Sonnenlicht.


Juneau is the capital of the US state of Alaska. It is a city that can only be reached by air and sea.

Erich and I visited Juneau in July when the city has more than 17 hours of sunlight. Even in the summer it was cold in the morning and a bit warmer during the day.

Juneau is located in southeastern Alaska, 1448 km from Seattle and 965 km southeast of Anchorage with a population of 33,000 inhabitants. The city was built in 1880 from a camp at a gold mine.

Juneau has a historic center with original houses from this period. What impressed me most about the visit to Juneau was the exuberance of nature. The city is surrounded by green mountains and the waters of the Gulf of Alaska in the Pacific Ocean.

There are many attractions in and around Juneau.

We took a boat trip to see humpback whales, orcas and whales (which can be seen between April and November), and we also

visited the Mendenhall Glacier, both a very popular attraction in the area.

Other excursions include: dog sled rides,

Fonte/Quelle/Source: https://www.alaskatourjobs.com/blog/outdoor-activities/alaska-dog-sledding/

helicopter rides over the ice fields of the area, spectacular waterfalls and stunning rock formations.

Fonte/Quelle/Source: Grizzly bear , Alaska. Fonte/Quelle/Source: http://www.alaska.org/detail/pack-creek-bear-tours

Salmon fishing is another attraction for activity enthusiasts.

This region of Alaska is famous for the existence of bears and in Juneau you can see them on the  Admiralty Island in the Pack Creek Bear Sanctuary, where about 1600 brown bears live.

Grizzly bear , Alaska. Fonte/Quelle/Source: http://www.alaska.org/detail/pack-creek-bear-tours

Also famous is the tour where you can watch the bears catching and eating salmon (in the months of July and August).

Fonte/Quelle/Source: http://www.alaska.org/detail/pack-creek-bear-tours
Grizzly bear , Alaska. Fonte/Quelle/Source: http://www.alaska.org/detail/pack-creek-bear-tours

If you want to enjoy a beautiful view of Juneau and the Gastineau Canal as visitors, then take the Goldbelt Mount Roberts Cable Car, it is the only one in Southeast Alaska and open from May to September.

Juneau is definitely a gateway to many attractions during the summer. It is a paradise for animals such as whales, killer whales, sea lions, eagles, otters, birds and many others.

low angle view of an eagle in flight. Fonte/Quelle/Source: Grizzly bear , Alaska. Fonte/Quelle/Source: http://www.alaska.org/detail/pack-creek-bear-tours

The most famous bar in Juneau is the Red Dog Saloon. The visit to this place takes us back to the epoch of diligence and sloth, the era we know so well from American western films.

Juneau is a small town that definitely leaves big impressions to the visitors.

Curious about the city?

21/12 – is the shortest day with 6 hours and 21 minutes of sunlight.

21/06 – is the longest day with 18 hours and 18 minutes of sunlight.



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